Chile: Progress of the fruit fly campaign in the Metropolitan Region

Published Sep 13, 2024

Tridge summary

The fruit fly campaign in the Metropolitan Region, led by the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), has made significant strides over six months, involving visits to 57,033 homes, analysis of over 10 tons of fruit, and chemical treatments in 2,517 locations. Additionally, 15 million sterile specimens have been released to curb reproduction, with extensive monitoring and community outreach efforts. Hugo Riquelme, head of the 2024 campaign, noted that the first cycle of detection is underway, with the third cycle expected to conclude by January 31, 2025, subject to temperature variations in spring and early summer.
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Original content

It has been six months since the fruit fly campaign began in the Metropolitan Region. What has been its progress? And how long is it planned to continue working in the quarantined areas? The Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) reported that March and April were the months that marked the beginning of the campaign in San Bernardo and Lo Espejo, respectively. At that time, more than two hundred Service officials were deployed with the mission of combating the plague. According to figures from the SAG RM, in May, one month after the campaign began, 11,602 homes had been visited, between the two communes, to find out if there were fruit trees in each home and thus carry out a sample for laboratory analysis. Today, these figures have quadrupled, totaling 57,033 homes visited. On the other hand, the SAG indicated that the Fruit Analysis Unit has increased its work by 16% in five months and has analyzed more than 10 tons of species, where plums, quinces, oranges and figs ...
Source: MXfruit
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