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High dollar in the United States puts pressure on and corn opens Thursday with slight declines on Chicago

Published Nov 14, 2024

Tridge summary

Corn futures prices saw an increase on the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3) on Thursday, with prices ranging from R$74.28 to R$76.22 for the November/24, January/25, and March/25 maturities. However, international corn futures prices on the Chicago Stock Exchange (CBOT) experienced a slight decline. The strength of the dollar, which is at its highest since the end of 2023, is making American products, including agricultural products, less attractive on the global market, according to analysis by Successful Farming.
Disclaimer: The above summary was generated by Tridge's proprietary AI model for informational purposes.

Original content

Thursday (14) begins with corn futures prices operating in the positive field on the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3). The main quotations fluctuated in the range between R$74.28 and R$76.22 at around 09:49 (Brasília time). The November/24 maturity was quoted at R$74.28 with an increase of 0.24%, January/25 was worth R$75.95 with a gain of 0.53% and March/25 was traded at R$76.22 with an increase of 0.45%. The Chicago Stock Exchange (CBOT) opened its activities this Thursday with slightly negative movements for international corn futures prices, which fell at around 09:44 (Brasília time). The December/24 maturity was quoted at US$ 4.26 with a drop of 0.25 points, the March/25 was worth US$ 4.37 with a loss of 0.25 points, the May/25 was traded at US$ 4.44 with a devaluation of 0.25 points and the July/25 was worth US$ 4.47 with a drop of 0.25 points. According to information from the international website Successful Farming, corn futures contracts follow the fall in wheat prices and ...
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