Russia: The amount of damage to farmers in Krasnoyarsk Krai due to abnormal precipitation amounted to 280 million rubles

Published Sep 19, 2024

Tridge summary

Over 17,000 hectares of grain crops in the Krasnoyarsk Territory have been damaged due to excessive rainfall, leading to waterlogged soil. The preliminary estimate of the damage is over 280 million rubles, according to the first vice-governor of the region, Sergei Ponomarenko.
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Original content

Precipitation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory has damaged more than 17 thousand hectares of grain crops, the damage exceeded 280 million rubles. This was reported on his Telegram channel by the first vice-governor of the region Sergei Ponomarenko. "Due to the abundance of rain and waterlogged soil, farmers' crops have suffered - grain is sprouting. The preliminary ...
Source: Milknews
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