There is satisfactory progress towards achieving admissibility in the US and other countries

Published Oct 27, 2020

Tridge summary

The Colombian Federation of Cattlemen (Fedegán) and the Price Stabilization Fund (FEP) have not stopped in the task of managing the opening of more destinations for Colombian beef, among which the United States, Peru, Curaçao stand out. and Argentina.

Original content

In recent days, the FEP called a meeting with the aim of reviewing the status of the sanitary admissibility processes with the main export destinations in the short term, a meeting led by Augusto Beltrán Segrera, technical secretary of the Fund. The Vice Minister of Agriculture, Juan Gonzalo Botero; the director of the Office of International Affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture, Juan Camilo Dueñas; Invima and Procolombia officials, as well as representatives of meat processing plants. In the first instance, the state of progress in matters of sanitary admissibility in the United States was presented, by Luis Ernesto Forero, in charge of Colombian sanitary affairs at the Commercial Office of Washington DC (Read: Colombian meat returns to Chile) In summary The official highlighted that although the process has been long and complex given the demands of this market, satisfactory progress has been made. He explained that the process of accessing beef is divided into two ...
Source: MXContexto
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