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Coconut Oil Market Report

기타 코코넛 오일
Market Intelligence Analytics Team
게시됨 2021년 9월 16일
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Consumption of virgin coconut oil peaked in 2012 as it originally
grew in popularity as a health food, leading to a significant increase
in price. Today, however, alternatives to coconut oil such as palm,
soybean, rapeseed, sunflower, olive oil, and ghee are slowly
emerging in the market and causing demand to decrease. While the market price of coconut oil is inherently volatile, it has been even more so this past year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, trade wars, and turbulent weather. Europe has been gripped by one of the warmest summers in decades, meaning the edible oil market originating from European crops has experienced lower yields. This report addresses the global export market landscape of coconut oil with emphases on a few key countries including the Philippines, Indonesia, and India.


Part 1 - Product Information

1.1 Varieties

1.2 Processing Methods

1.3 Quality Characteristics

1.4 Price Determinants

Part 2 - Global Market Dynamics

2.1 Exports

2.1.1 Philippines

2.1.2 Indonesia

2.1.3 India

2.2 South Korea’s Demand for Coconut Oil

Part 3 - Sources

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