The first culling policy attempt in South Korea, whether it is a success or not

Published Jul 25, 2024

Tridge summary

The article examines the different strategies employed by countries like the U.S., Europe, and Japan for preventive culling during livestock disease outbreaks. It notes that while the U.S. and Europe enforce culling within specific radii, such as 3km from the outbreak site, Korea is exploring a more targeted approach by reducing the culling radius to 500m if the risk is deemed low. The Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is assessing this method and considering its application to more livestock species to mitigate damage.
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Original content

Even if it is within 500m of the farm where the outbreak occurred, culling is excluded if the risk is low. Maintaining culling policy on epidemiological farms in the U.S., Europe, and Japan [Reporter Kim Soo-hyung, Livestock News] Interest is also focused on cases from other countries related to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs varying the scope of preventive culling in consideration of the risk of each livestock species starting this winter. How are the world's major livestock advanced countries implementing their policies? We compared our country's policies with cases from overseas countries. The United States is conducting preventive culling of epidemiological farms or other farms in the infected area (3km radius of the outbreak farm), taking into account epidemiological information and outbreak characteristics. This system has been in effect since 2017. In Europe, starting from 2020, competent authorities will be able to carry out preventive culling or order ...
Source: Chuksannews
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