Supply of Italian and Turkish cherries has increased enormously on the German market

Published Jun 28, 2023

Tridge summary

The supply of cherries on the German market increased, especially from Italy and Turkey, while Spanish cherries lost some of their importance. The demand for larger cherries was high, but smaller sizes struggled to attract attention. Overall, the quality of cherries from Italy, Turkey, and Greece was satisfactory. In other fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, strawberries, peaches, nectarines, apricots, lemons, and bananas, the supply met the demand, with some price reductions necessary to avoid surplus. In vegetables, German produce dominated the market for cauliflower, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and asparagus. Belgian and Dutch deliveries were also prevalent in some categories, while Spanish goods were unexpectedly present in iceberg lettuce.
Disclaimer: The above summary was generated by Tridge's proprietary AI model for informational purposes.

Original content

The supply of cherries grew strongly on the German market, especially the Italian and Turkish deliveries. The Greek supply also increased, according to the BLE. Only the Spanish offer lost some of its importance. Buyers were mainly interested in fruit of 28 mm or more, smaller calibers were sometimes difficult to attract sufficient attention. In terms of quality, there was hardly anything to complain about: Ferrovia and Duroni from Italy, Napoleon from Turkey and Pella from Greece were generally convincing in terms of color and taste. The availability of southern European cherries was in some cases rather limited, because large quantities were tied to food retail. Nevertheless, demand could usually be met without any problems. Prices often fell, although demand was not unfriendly. German volumes increased, but sales were uneven: there was little interest locally, as the trade was heavily in the hands of European competitors. In some cases, however, orders could be placed quickly, ...
Source: AGF
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