
In China, the supply of "vegetable baskets" at the end of the year and the beginning of the year is guaranteed

Fresh Tomato
Published Jan 19, 2023

Tridge summary

The Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit is approaching. As one of the familiar memories of the New Year, a table of reunion meals is full of special festive feelings of the Chinese people. Known as China's "Southern Vegetable Garden" and an important base for "Southern Vegetables to the North", nearly 90% of autumn and winter vegetables are exported, and they are continuously delivering fresh vegetables to all parts of the country. How is the supply of "vegetable baskets" before this year's festival, the reporter Walking into the production and marketing line of "South Vegetable Garden", I feel three sets of keywords. Keyword 1: "Special" and "Multiple" Different varieties are spread out in rows, and the branches are covered with red tomatoes... Walking in the field ridge of the tomato base in the village During this period, Huang Feiyi, Secretary of the Party General Branch of Xingcheng Village, Tianzhou Town, Tianyang District, Baise City, felt full of hope for the Year of the Rabbit. , the output has been greatly improved compared with the previous year. Now it is the peak season for listing, and the tomatoes in the village are even exported to Xinjiang and other places." Huang Feiyi said. Tomatoes are one of the main specialty products of Baise's autumn and winter vegetables. Historically, in recent years, the planting area has stabilized at more than 300,000 mu. In 2015, "Baise Tomato" was certified as a geographical indication of national agricultural products. Tianyang District is the main producing area of Baise tomato. There have been more than 100 varieties of tomato planted, with an output value of more than 1.6 billion yuan. The variety of tomatoes is one of the vivid examples of Baise's "vegetable garden" to improve quality.

Original content

兔年春节临近,作为人们熟悉的年味记忆之一,一桌团圆的饭菜饱含着国人的特殊节日情愫. 在地处中国西南边陲的广西百色,勤恳的菜农忙活在农历腊月的田间地头,这个被誉为中国“南菜园”、重要的“南菜北运”基地秋冬蔬菜外销比例近九成,正源源不断地给全国各地输送着新鲜蔬菜. 今年节前的“菜篮子”供应情况如何,记者走进“南菜园”产销一线,感受到三组关键词. 关键词一:“特”与“多” 不同品种连排铺开,红彤彤的番茄挂满枝头……走在村里番茄基地的田垄间,百色市田阳区田州镇兴城村党总支书记黄飞易感到兔年希望满满. “全村有约4000亩番茄,大果亩产可达1.5万斤,小果亩产约1.2万斤,产量较上一年度有了很大提升. 目前正是上市旺季,村里番茄甚至远销到新疆等地. ”黄飞易说. 番茄是百色秋冬蔬菜主打的特色产品之一,当地已有30多年种植历史,近年来种植面积稳定在30万亩以上,2015年“百色番茄”还获得国家农产品地理标志认证. 田阳区则是百色番茄主产地,2020年被认定为“中国特色农产品优势区”,当地番茄种植品种已累计超过百种,产值逾16亿元. 品种多样的番茄是百色“菜园子”保质提量的生动例证之一. 记者走访发现,在以往常见的番茄、辣椒、香葱、西葫芦等蔬菜基础上,近年来百色秋冬蔬菜种植类别更趋丰富,种植范围也从适宜秋冬蔬菜种植的右江河谷一带延伸到山地居多的南北两翼山区,“特色”与“多样”并存的特点更加凸显. 百色市田东县祥周镇中平村是全国“一村一品”示范村,全村香葱种植面积超过4000亩,有着“广西香葱第一村”之称. 记者在村里看到,除了传统的香葱,茼蒿、香菜、生菜、菜心等也点缀其中. “最近香葱基地日采摘量大约8吨,主要销往上海市场. 近些年种植技术提高了,我们根据市场需求不断优化蔬菜供应品种. ”中平村党总支书记卢能成说. 在海拔较高的百色市乐业县,原本不属于秋冬蔬菜产区的山区也种植上了高山蔬菜. 在乐业县甘田镇经营高山蔬菜基地的广西深百和农业开发有限公司总经理陈美庚告诉记者,目前基地一期1500亩蔬菜已全面上市,品种以菜心、芥蓝、斗白、黑叶白等叶菜类蔬菜为主,市场主要面向粤港澳大湾区,二期项目也在加紧推进中. ...
Source: FoodChina
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