The small production unit has maintained its productive capacity; is responsible for 54 percent of the national food supply and offers 85 percent of paid employment in the countryside Mexico City, July 21, 2021.— The agri-food policy promoted by the Government of Mexico seeks food self-sufficiency, has a clear definition in favor of the poorest and promotes a productive model based on sustainability and people's health, said the undersecretary of Food Self-Sufficiency of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Víctor Suárez Carrera. When appearing before the Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Senate of the Republic, the official stressed that the policy for the field is inclusive, it is for all producers, but the priority of course is in those of small and medium scale: "When there is a restriction on budget resources, the priority is on those who need it most." For larger-scale producers, he said, there are structural actions ...
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