Statistics Canada's report reveals changes in the production of key agricultural commodities for the 2024/25 season. Soybean production is projected to increase by 1.7 million tonnes to 427.1 million tonnes, attributed to expanded planting areas in Argentina and Bolivia, and higher yields in Canada. In contrast, rapeseed production is expected to decline by 1.1 million tonnes, largely due to lower yields in Canada. Global sunflower production remains largely stable. The soybean market is expected to see a rise in production, exports, crushing, and closing stocks, with Canada and Bolivia increasing soybean exports. The EU, Algeria, Iran, and Venezuela are expected to increase soybean meal imports. Finally, global soybean oil exports are anticipated to rise, while palm oil exports are expected to fall due to reduced shipments and lower production from Indonesia and Malaysia, leading to a decrease in global vegetable oil final stocks.