China's HAIMENG Food Ltd is a business in the new town of Dong Gang, Eight-Tree Village, Liaoning Province. The company provides easy access to transportation. There are (DAN-SHEN and DAN-DA) two fundamental roadway close by on the north of the organization; "Five key points and one main line" refers to five important business cities and another major highway close to the company's south. The company is also close to the deepwater wharf of Dong gang and the Yellow Sea. The modern food manufacturing company HAIMENG Food Ltd. was established in May 2007 and has a construction area of approximately 7707 square meters and a land area of 10400 square meters. At the moment, the total fixed investment is approximately 23 million yuan. It is a company with cutting-edge manufacturing, refrigeration, disinfection, cleaning, and storage equipment in addition to a modern business control system, management philosophy, and the most recent equipment support. With a large office space and a large staff, the business is well protected.