The European Commission has proposed significant cuts to the fishing quotas for various species in the Bay of Biscay, Portuguese waters, and the Azores, including an 18% reduction for hake and a 20% reduction for haddock in most areas of the Gulf of Vizcaya. The proposal also includes a 36% cut for sole in the northern and central areas of the Bay of Biscay, a 44% reduction in herring in western Irish waters, and over 20% reductions for lobster and cod from Skagerrak and Kattegat. On the other hand, the commission has proposed increases in the fishing quotas for monkfish in the Cantabrian Sea and rooster fish in Iberian waters. These quotas, also known as Total Allowable Catch, are set to ensure the sustainability of the fish stocks. The EU fisheries ministers will discuss and decide on these quotas in a Council in December.