World: Wheat production forecast is up, while feed grain production is down

Published Aug 13, 2024

Tridge summary

The USDA forecasts wheat production to rise to 798.3 million tonnes, with an increase in shipments to 1.061 billion tonnes, primarily due to higher production in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Australia, which offsets lower production in the EU and the US. Global wheat consumption has also reached a record 804.0 million tonnes. However, forecasted global ending stocks for 2024/25 are at the lowest level since 2015/16.

Moreover, global feed grain production for 2024/25 is predicted to decrease due to reduced production in the EU, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, and Moldova, largely due to extreme weather conditions. This is expected to impact world corn production, with decreases in the EU, Serbia, Russia, and Ukraine. Finally, global corn stocks are also expected to decline, with only partial offsets from increases in Mexico and India.
Disclaimer: The above summary was generated by Tridge's proprietary AI model for informational purposes.

Original content

Wheat Market The USDA forecasts wheat production to rise to 798.3 million tonnes and shipments to rise by 3.5 million tonnes to 1.061 billion tonnes, mainly due to higher production in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Australia, which outweighs lower production in the EU and the US. In addition, larger initial stocks are forecast for several countries, including the EU. Production in Ukraine is increased based on data from the State Statistics Service indicating a larger-than-expected harvested area. Despite a slightly smaller harvested area, production in Kazakhstan is increased based on a higher yield forecast based on abundant rainfall and above-average crop health conditions. EU production is reduced by 2.0 million tonnes to 128.0 million, which would be the lowest since 2020/21. Several months of heavy rainfall in France have reduced quality and yield prospects for the EU’s largest wheat producer. Global wheat consumption rose by 4.1 million tonnes compared to July to a record 804.0 ...
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