The average wholesale price of Korean beef is 17,265 won per kg in South Korea

Published Dec 6, 2023

Tridge summary

The wholesale price of Korean beef has been falling slightly for three weeks, reaching 17,265 won per kg at the end of last month. The slump in off-season consumption of grilled foods is worsening, leading to a sales backlog and increased dumping. However, there is still some demand for school meals and soup, but the demand for price cuts is increasing and consumption at restaurants is sluggish.
Disclaimer: The above summary was generated by Tridge's proprietary AI model for informational purposes.

Original content

As the national average wholesale price of Korean beef recorded 17,265 won per kg on the 30th of last month, the wholesale price of Korean beef has been falling slightly for three weeks, so demand for year-end parties is expected to play a role in determining prices. According to the livestock product quality evaluation institute's meridian price by wholesale market, the wholesale price of Korean beef meat, which fell after the lumpy skin to 16,303 won on the 2nd of last month, recovered to 17,249 won on the 9th of last month and exceeded the 17,000 won range for the next month. The problem is that the slump in off-season consumption of grilled foods is worsening. Although there is some demand for discount events at Nonghyup, sluggish consumption appears to be continuing in most distribution channels such as large supermarkets, small and medium-sized supermarkets, butcher shops, online, and grilling restaurants. As a result, the sales backlog is worsening and dumping is becoming ...
Source: Aflnews
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