Global soybean production is projected to rise by 28.9 million tonnes to 687.1 million tonnes, largely due to increased production in South America, the USA, and South Africa. Brazil's soybean production is expected to reach 169.0 million tonnes, up from 154.0 million tonnes due to reduced flooding. Similarly, Argentina's production is forecasted to be 51.0 million tonnes. However, the production of rapeseed and sunflower seeds is expected to remain stable. Global soybean ending stocks for 2024/25 are expected to increase by 16.7 million tonnes to 128.5 million tonnes. Global oilseed processing is anticipated to increase by 17.3 million tons to 560.8 million tons, with the majority of the increase in soybean. However, exports of sunflower oil and rapeseed oil are expected to decrease, which will be offset by increases in soybean, palm oil, and palm kernel oil supplies.