NAM DOK MAI yellow mango has already changed the market that could easily see on social media in Thailand. The medium and large size of yellow mangoes has been sold at $17.61 per 5 kg carton box for local markets, while the export price for NAM DOK MAI is CIF Hong Kong $18 and CIF Incheon $20.5. Increasingly, growers have sold their crops in the local market via social media cause of could not export and get more margin than selling them to middlemen for exporting. Middlemen prices are $1-$1.2 without selecting/inspecting and $1.7-$2.0 with selected/inspected. Popularly, Japan and South Korea are important markets for Thai yellow mango; NAM DOK MAI, which has ordered S size; 270-310 gram per fruit or 16s-18s per 5 kg carton box.
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