South Africa: Farmers list their top concerns

Published Feb 21, 2023

Tridge summary

Farmers from various industries within the sector are hoping that finance minister Enoch Godwangwana comes to the party during Wednesday’s budget speech. Food For Mzansi digs deeper to find o…

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South Africa’s farmers are hoping for a spirit-lifting budget speech from the finance minister, Enoch Godongwana. As far as agriculture is concerned, Godongwana’s budget should reflect a government that is serious about saving agriculture, rural jobs and livelihoods. Godongwana will be delivering his 2023 budget speech on Wednesday, 22 February. Amongst other things, the minister is expected to announce another bailout for Eskom, and a possible increase in the health promotion levy, or sugar tax. Farmers are, however, also calling on considerations on a lower 2023 excise taxation on wine and alcoholic products, no increases in the general fuel levy and road accident fund levy, and rebates for farmers who fix public roads. Vinpro managing director Rico Basson said the wine industry remained under severe pressures brought on by local and global shocks. These shocks could potentially reduce wine profits for 2023. “The wine industry would like to highlight the need that considerations ...
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