Julián Domínguez spoke with peanut producers from Córdoba: We are accompanying the entrepreneurial spirit of Argentina

Published Feb 19, 2022

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The head of the agricultural portfolio was in the Province of Córdoba, where he spoke with peanut producers from that region and with representatives of the value chain. Mayors from the region also participated. Later, he visited the premises of a company dedicated to the manufacture of harvesters and peanut harvesters Share on social networks The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation, Julián Domínguez, stated that "from the national government we are accompanying the entrepreneurial spirit of Argentina, the country that investigates, that generates industrialization and added value." This was expressed from the city of General Deheza, Province of Córdoba, together with the provincial Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Sergio Busso, and Mayor Franco Morra, after a meeting with producers and businessmen of the peanut chain. "That is the country model for which we work every day from each of the ministries entrusted to us by President Alberto Fernández," ...
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